Astilbe 'Erica' (Arendsii Hybrid)
Astilbe 'Erica' (Arendsii Hybrid)
Astilbe 'Erica' (Arendsii Hybrid)
Astilbe 'Erica' (Arendsii Hybrid)
Astilbe 'Erica' (Arendsii Hybrid)
Astilbe 'Erica' (Arendsii Hybrid)
Astilbe 'Erica' (Arendsii Hybrid)
Astilbe 'Erica' (Arendsii Hybrid)

Astilbe 'Erica' (Arendsii Hybrid)

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Product Description

Astilbe 'Erica' (Arendsii Hybrid) is a clump-forming perennial boasting pale heather pink flowers held in open, narrow plumes.  Blooming in early to mid-summer, each plume consists of hundreds of densely packed tiny flowers opening in succession for a long-lasting floral display.  The blossoms are held on sturdy stems and rise gracefully above an attractive mound of fern-like, dark green leaves.  Emerging reddish bronze, the densely incised foliage remains attractive all season long under satisfactory growing conditions.  This elegant Astilbe is relatively trouble-free, requires little maintenance, is heavy shade tolerant, and attracts butterflies but is deer and rabbit resistant.  The perfect perennial for a shady border with dappled light. 

  • Grows up to 30-36 in.  tall (75-90 cm) and 18-20 in.  wide (45-50 cm)
  • Part shade to full shade lover, this Astilbe thrives in organically rich, evenly moist, well-drained soils.  Don't let the soil dry out!  Mulch should be added to reduce water evaporation and maintain moisture. 
  • May be planted in full sun in areas with cool summers with adequate moisture.  In hot summer areas, shade is important. 
  • Provides a spectacular flower show, whether planted in perennial borders, woodland gardens, near streams, and ponds, or in containers.  Plant in groups for better visual effects. 
  • Plumes make excellent fresh-cut flowers and are great for drying in nafural bouquets. 
  • No serious pest or disease issues.  Keep an eye out for powdery mildew. 
  • No deadheading is required unless you do not like the look of the faded flower stalks.  If allowed to remain, the dried seedheads will provide additional interest later in the season. 
  • Should be divided about every 4 years to assure the maximum number of blooms. 
  • Propagate by division in late winter or early spring, pot divisions under glass, and plant out in late spring.

Mature Spread: 20-24 inches
Habit: Upright
Flower Color: Lilac
Foliage Color: Green
Attracts: Bees, Butterflies
Features: Cut Flower
Garden Styles: Container Garden, Cottage Garden, English Garden, Japanese Garden, Pollinator Garden, Woodland Garden
Plant Used for: Aesthetic Appeal, Borders and Edging, Filler, Focal Point, Healing and Medicinal, Texture
Critter Resistance: Deer, Rabbit
Pet Friendly: Yes
Plant Type: Hybrid

Sunlight: 2-5 hours
Overwinter Zones: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Soil Moisture: Moist to Wet
Soil Properties: Well-drained
Tolerates: Clay soil
Fertilizer: When transplanted and then once every Spring

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